Good Project Management Journey
About Good Project Management Journey
The Good Project Management Journey is a collaborative electronic journal based on contributions of a community of project managers. Whether you are just starting this journey or a seasoned professional at the apex of your career, we want to hear from you. We will consider all bona fide submissions, evaluating entries based on relevance of content, freshness of perspective and new discoveries, quality of writing, and contribution to our readers as they embark on their project management journey.
What kind of submissions do we seek? Glad you ask. Let’s first talk about content relevance, and the answer is in the name of the journal. Here is how we evaluate relevance:
- Good,
- Project,
- Management,
- Journey,
- Good Project,
- Good Management,
- Good Journey,
- Good Project Management, and
- Good Project Management Journey
Let’s dive deeper, in the order of the list above:
- Everyone loves good ideas, good tools, good techniques, good methods, good solutions, and good stories that advance our world to fairer and more sustainable to all good We especially value good research studies that are relatable to everyone.
- We view projects as a vital vehicle for doing something important. Whether they are small projects such as organizing a surprise party to megaprojects that send human to Mars, projects are exciting endeavors that stretch our existence and search for greater fulfillment.
- We consider management to be one of the greatest discoveries of the 20th Without management and the related concepts such as leadership, how else can organizations grow to such amazing sizes and channel the ability of so many people to achieve common purposes.
- Life is a journey, and to us, the richness of life is less in the milestones and destinations but more in the challenges and rewards of this journey. As such, we chose to focus on savoring the details of each step, cherishing each win, learning from mistakes, and constantly marching toward a better version of ourselves.
- The world is full of good projects that improve our lives and environment and create a more equitable society. Good projects are not just done by non-profits. Everyone and every company are capable of working on “good projects”, from CSR (corporate social responsibility) to DEI (diversity, equity, and inclusion) projects. All companies have the potential to contribute to our world by working on good projects.
- Good management is essential to achieving desired outcomes. Whether it is to align actions with planning or to spend more wisely of limited resources, good management is the key to achieving and sustaining competitiveness.
- Life has many journeys, but are they good journeys? Is it a journey that is worth taking, one that we can look back in the future and say, “it was a good journey”? Many of us go through our lives, especially career development, semi-blindly. Wouldn’t it be great to have some guidance so we can learn the mistakes of others and avoid pitfalls?
- While we love to talk about good management, we would like to focus more about good project management. This, after all, is the key reason for this journal. Here we seek good project management ideas, tools, techniques, methods, frameworks, product reviews, books, and stories.
- Finally, we hope to share and highlight good project management journeys that we all can collectively learn and grow together. So it is more than just good project management tools or techniques but how they helped people advance their careers. And even for those who have reached the apex of project management, there are so many other dimensions to explore. Aside from technical skills, for example, there human-centric and strategic skills to pursue. These skills are vital to all c-level executives, especially the role of chief project officer.
To summarize, here is an incomplete list of work we would consider. Thus, if what you are considering is not included, just ask us.
1. Fresh ideas, concepts, viewpoints, tools, techniques, methods, frameworks, books, and book reviews
2. Cases and stories of projects, personal development, organizational development, and insights from current events (mainly from a project management perspective)
3. Research studies but re-written for business professionals, not academics
4. Translation, interpretation, or re-interpretation of existing work
The other evaluation criteria are more nuanced. On content freshness, we are seeking new ideas or re-reinterpretations and applications of existing ideas. On quality of writing, the writing should be grammar error free with proper content organization. The writing level should be high school level, even though we will also consider both more or less rigorous work. Our goal is to make the writing accessible to everyone, not just the exclusive realm of the super-educated and elite. Lastly and perhaps the most important criterion, we want to make sure all articles help our readers grow, either by stretching their minds, exploring details, learning new tricks of the trade, or experiencing something fresh.
We will consider other types of work beyond text. These include but not limited to infographics, illustrations, videos, and other medium. Authors and creators will continue to retain copyrights to their work, even though we are seeking permission to use, re-use, edit, publish, and republish content on PMO Advisory sites which currently includes www.pmoadvisory.com, www.goodprojectmanagement.com, www.projectmanagement.co, www.projectmanagement360.com, and 1.academy.
Ready to share your journey with us?

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